The Nonprofit Sector A Research Handbook

The Nonprofit Sector A Research Handbook' title='The Nonprofit Sector A Research Handbook' />General Applicant InformationProject FormulationThe Project WorksheetDocumentationSmall Project ValidationHandling Large ProjectsSpecial Considerations. Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, January 2005 Knowledge Management And The Nonprofit Industry A Within And Between Approach Tracy A. Speedupmypc 3 Full on this page. Hurley, Carolyn W. A global clearinghouse of nonprofit and volunteering resources, offering a directory of volunteer opportunities and other resources. French, Spanish and English. Stanford Libraries official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. Atlanta Research Education Foundation. Established on July 1. Atlanta Research and Education Foundation, Inc., is a nonprofit corporation that was created to advance the research and educational activities of the staff at the Atlanta Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Over the past 2. 8 years, the Atlanta Research and Education Foundation AREF has partnered with the Atlanta VA Medical Center to develop a diverse research portfolio dedicated to investigating a variety of ailments afflicting the nations veterans. AREF plays a crucial role in supporting VA physicians and researchers as they endeavor to understand how, why, and when diseases afflict the human system. AREF facilitates collaborative efforts between the Atlanta VA Medical Center, academic institutions, government research organizations, and private companies by administering a variety of programs ranging from applied research in low vision to molecular mechanisms of gene therapy in bone reformation. The Foundations motto, to advance VA research and education, is central to our mission. Through our ongoing efforts toward meeting these objectives, the VA and the Atlanta Research and Education Foundation are teamed to provide the highest caliber research infrastructure for our researchers. AREF also strives to partner with the private sector to provide faculty, staff, and providers with opportunities to advance their knowledge in their respective fields of healthcare. Through this expanded authority, AREF can manage resources to continue education and training so that we may have the most advanced healthcare workforce. Nfs 5 Full Version more. Internet Explorer Statusbar - Free Software And Shareware on this page. Our ultimate goal is to aid in the advancement of research and education at the Atlanta VA Medical Center.